So sorry about the lack of posts again over the last week or two...I started my new job and life has been a bit crazy! Now that I'm through with a lot of my training, I'm only scheduled around 15 hours a week for the next few weeks, so I should have more time to keep up with everything else in life. :)
Amazingly, even though I've been busy with work, we haven't been forced to eat out more. It just goes to show that if I have a good plan and stick to it, I can save my family money. I would hate to work just to pay for extra eating out. Seems to me like that would be a huge waste of time!
Here is my plan for this week:
Monday - Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Orzo with Zucchini & Tomatoes (new recipe!)
Tuesday - (working tonight) Leftovers for hubby and I, mac & cheese or pancakes for the kids
Wednesday - Buffalo Chickpea Patties, Rice, Salad
Thursday - Tacos
Friday - Probably out...L has a birthday party from 4-6 on the other side of town.
Saturday - (working) Something easy for the kids, frozen pizza or whatever my husband wants for himself (hehe...)
Sunday - Chinese food date night for hubby and I!
I am also planning to bake homemade hamburger buns (first time!), zucchini bread and Lemon Blueberry muffins (recipe to come tomorrow.)
You can check out more ideas for your own menu plan over at I'm an Organizing Junkie!
Monday - Out for hubby's birthday dinner
Tuesday - Chili, Chunky Cornbread
Wednesday - Rigatoni w/ Chicken & Spicy Cream Sauce, Garlic Toast, Salad
Thursday - (My first day of work!) Breakfast Burritos, possibly waffles for the kiddos
Friday - Leftovers or something easy for me, hubby is taking the kids out
Saturday - My in-laws will be in town and I'm not sure what we have planned yet, or if I will be working
Sunday - Most likely an eat-in date night
Check out more menu plans over at I'm an Organizing Junkie!
If this had happened two months ago, I think there would have been major drama. But over the last little while, Z has become more and more attached to some of the other six stuffed animals that now sleep with him. He's growing up. I still worried. I looked for a Mr. Georgey on eBay. Inflation has apparently also hit the stuffed animal community. $100 or $149!! I don't think so! We would try to make do.
And we have. It has been two days now. Z did ask for him last night, but we gave him "No Name" (his other monkey) to comfort him. It seemed to work. So sad to hear him calling out for his buddy.
I think we'll keep Mr. Georgey around for awhile. He will need to stay hidden for a month or two to avoid any possible meltdowns. Z will miss him. And I will lament the fact that my baby boy has grown up so much that he is no longer dependent on a lovey to help him sleep. This day came way too soon.
L had a good first day of Kindergarten! It started off with a few tears, but she recovered quickly and had a busy day. She came home completely exhausted. Choosing the half day option was definitely the best choice for her!
Now that we are working ourselves back into a school routine, I am hoping that I will be more organized....with meal planning, chores, grocery shopping, etc.! I'll let you know how that goes....