I originally discovered this recipe on a different blog, The Young'ns. I have changed it a tiny bit to suit my own needs.

If this had happened two months ago, I think there would have been major drama. But over the last little while, Z has become more and more attached to some of the other six stuffed animals that now sleep with him. He's growing up. I still worried. I looked for a Mr. Georgey on eBay. Inflation has apparently also hit the stuffed animal community. $100 or $149!! I don't think so! We would try to make do.
And we have. It has been two days now. Z did ask for him last night, but we gave him "No Name" (his other monkey) to comfort him. It seemed to work. So sad to hear him calling out for his buddy.
I think we'll keep Mr. Georgey around for awhile. He will need to stay hidden for a month or two to avoid any possible meltdowns. Z will miss him. And I will lament the fact that my baby boy has grown up so much that he is no longer dependent on a lovey to help him sleep. This day came way too soon.
L had a good first day of Kindergarten! It started off with a few tears, but she recovered quickly and had a busy day. She came home completely exhausted. Choosing the half day option was definitely the best choice for her!
Now that we are working ourselves back into a school routine, I am hoping that I will be more organized....with meal planning, chores, grocery shopping, etc.! I'll let you know how that goes....