Monday, October 12, 2009

Baking Day

Well, yesterday was supposed to be baking day, but I guess I was too ambitious when I made my list and didn't take into account a sick child. So, I got half of my list accomplished. I had a couple of boxes of fiber 1 muffin mix from a sale at Target a few weeks ago, so I made those and froze half of them for later. Also made a half dozen breakfast burritos to freeze for breakfasts for the next week. I had also planned to make two spaghetti pies and a few dozen pumpkin cookies which I will hopefully get to today.

Here is our meal plan for this week:

Monday - Spaghetti Pie
Tuesday - Beef N Beans (This is a new recipe that I haven't made before, so wish me luck!)
Wednesday - Crepes
Thursday - Frozen Pizza (Baby boy is getting shots, so mommy is not cooking!!)
Friday - BLTs
Saturday - out

No big grocery shopping plans for this week, as I spent most of my budget at Meijer last week. It's supposed to be cold and yucky, so I suspect we'll be spending a lot of time indoors!


  1. Thanks for sharing :) I made spag pie tonight too and just tripled it. I think I have to start off that way since my littles only want to help when we are 1) getting things out or 2)taste testing.

    Hope your little guy feels better fast!

  2. haha!! Just realized how old your post was!!! Well, you can tell I'm not a detail person... saw your link at couponmom. Happy blogging though
